In this article I will show how to read DS18B20 sensor with ESP8266 and display values on GLCD.
Custom GLCD Font Tutorial
In last tutorial I wrote how to use Adafruit GFX library for GLCDdisplays. This time I would like to explain how to use GLCD custom font using ESP8266.
1.8″ GLCD with ESP8266 (NodeMCU)
In future I am planning some DS18B20 temperature measuring with ESP8266 and to show the values I will be using 1.8″ GLCD.
Playing with micro:bit
Recently my daughter had birthday and I had an idea to introduce her to coding. I got her micro:bit and here are a few small programs we did.
Quick tutorial on new STM32CubeIDE
STM recently unveiled new tools for programming STM32 microcontrollers called STM32CubeIDE. I tried it and created short video while doing it.
Upholstered oak rocker and tabouret
Hello everyone! After long time I am posting another woodworking project. This is for my girlfriend’s birthday (no I won’t tell you her age). When I started in current workshop, this was supposed to be first project in it. Well it is not first, but I am really happy that I went and made […]
Programming STM32 from TrueSTUDIO using ST-LINK clone
In this article I will explain how to program STM32 microcontroller directly from TrueSTUDIO using ST-LINK clone we made in previous article.
Blinky and Hello World! for STM32 “Black Pill” tutorial
In this article I will guide you through to make LED on Black Pill blink and also to send “Hello World!” through USB to terminal on your computer.
Making your own ST-LINK V2 from STM32 Blue-Pill or STM32 Black-Pill
In this article I will explain how to create your own ST-LINK V2 with cheap board from China (Blue Pill).